
Posts Tagged ‘Cornelius Loewenstein’

Make sure – if you vote in Eureka, CA – that you do NOT vote for this jerk (pictured and discussed below), Anthony Mantova.


Also, add to that list of who NOT to vote for- Jeannie Breslin and Michelle Constantine. Please don’t vote for any of these ‘Take Back Eureka’ people. They do not like facts, public health, poor people, or social justice. People will suffer (even more) if this dishonest, hateful bunch get in to office. Mantova was a regular on Rush Limbaugh.  He is now renting a place in Ward 1 from Michelle Constantine, so he can run in this election.  Trump guy.

Please give your Eureka friends the no-vote list.

Here is a link to a sample of Mantova’s racist, cruel, climate crisis-denying, sexist Facebook posts (although a few years old, they appear to be currently posted!):  https://app.box.com/s/8ri5zjyki8cil7veiyd6ee9ashhmi397

Here is a poem called “PROFILES OF THE PERPETRATORS”

(9 minutes, read by Verbena on the radio in Dec 2017): https://app.box.com/s/8dnfbptkdvz1lid7nz2gupqqg54r4fwo  It includes details about bad actors Jeannie Breslin and other Take Back Eureka members. Take Back Eureka was founded by Michelle Constantine (running for Eureka mayor- NO!!) and Cornelius Loewenstein. [Click HERE if you’d like to listen to the whole Dec 2017 radio show on Violence Against Homeless People]



Sunday, August 27, 2006: Yellow Elephant Anthony Mantova, National Field Director of the Leadership Institute, says that it’s “hillbilly, intellectually vacant and morally repugnant that those who call for war must serve.”

His hometown paper, the Eureka [CA] Reporter, published his columns supporting the Global War on Terrorism, and invading Iran, as recently as last year.


His hometown paper, the Eureka [CA] Reporter, published his columns supporting the Global War on Terrorism, and invading Iran, as recently as last year.

To its credit, the Eureka Reporter just published real American (and former U.S. Army paratrooper) Rob Ash‘s column Asking The Question: Is Mantova willing to serve in the wars he supports? Money quotes:

Why doesn’t he sign up?

Mantova gave me unconvincing answers. He speculated how his enlistment might undermine civilian control of the military.

He compared himself favorably to the ancient Roman politician Cato the Elder, Winston Churchill and Socrates. Clearly, Mantova has a very high opinion of his intellectual abilities.

Finally, Mantova demeaned all service members and veterans with his “hillbilly, intellectually vacant and morally-repugnant” comments and dismissed the very notion of military service. He treated a deadly serious question as if it were a joke.

You can bet Mantova will continue to “stay the course” — the one farthest away from the recruitment office.

He’s much safer cheering on the war from his cushy job at the nonprofit foundation and polishing his resume than he would be fighting those nasty terrorists.

Thanks also to Steve Gilliard. And Daily Kos. And Conservative Underground. And Respectfully Republican. And All Too Common Dissent.

Labels: Anthony Mantova


Warning Eureka, Trump wannabe is running for City Council

Eureka you should be very worried

Far right-winger Anthony Mantova a regular commentator on the local Rush Limbaugh radio channel, owner of Mantova’s Two Street Music in Old Town, and complete Trump apologist has announced that he is running for the Ward 1 Eureka City Council position currently held by Marion Brady who is thankfully termed out

No surprise his supporters are the usual rightwing suspects John Fullerton, Jeff and Sharon Lamoree, Jeannie Breslin, and Marian Brady.

Mantova, seen here with Brady and Fullerton in Chiv photo

Mantova, Eureka’s biggest Trump groupie weighs in on the Supervisors race

Surprise! Eureka City Council Candidate and all-around Trump sycophant Anthony Mantova has strongly endorsed Ryan Sundberg for fifth district supervisor in today’s Times-Standard.

No one actually should be surprised. While Ryan has cultivated his façade of being a calm, reasonable sort of middle of the road voice on the board of Supervisors, the reality is much different.  True compared to the bluster and bravado of fellow supervisor Rex Bohn, Sundberg does indeed seem calm, but that just his demeanor, when you look at his voting record both as a supervisor and as a coastal commissioner it’s indistinguishable from the positions espoused by chronic blowhard Rex Bohn.

Birds of a feather

So what is Mantova’s big closing argument to get you to vote for Ryan? “During the several years that I operated a store in McKinleyville, none of my customers ever complained about Mr. Sundberg.”
Seriously? That’s it?


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Listen to this end of the year (2017) RADICAL RAP radio show about Violence Against Homeless People.


You’ll hear frank discussion about who and what are perpetrating violence against homeless people. Names are named. People and businesses are exposed for their hateful anti-homeless activity. Also, we tell some of the real stories about people who have died/been killed while living homeless in Humboldt County, California.

Please listen. Please remember our loved ones, neighbors – to put it simply – human beings we have lost… In situations that should never happen.

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