
Posts Tagged ‘transient’

November’s “Radical Rap” Addresses Inhumane Treatment of Houseless People in Southern Humboldt

Radical Rap is a radio show on KMUD radio that runs the 2nd Wednesday of the month (most months).  You can listen live at:  http://kmud.org/programs-mainmenu-11/listen-live-kmud

Here is a link to download and hear Radical Rap from Nov. 14, 2012:  https://www.box.com/s/m6qi2q41bt3xf9g3fh75


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Every year for more than 25 years, lovers and friends of Martin Luther King Jr. have celebrated his birthday on its actual date, Jan. 15 (1929). This Saturday the 15th, the party will start at 6:00 PM at the Vet’s Hall in Garberville with a spaghetti dinner, free to all. Everyone is encouraged to bring a potluck dish as well. By 7:00 PM you can expect a little appropriate music by the SoHumsterdam Choir. The feature of the evening will be video versions of some of King’s most memorable speeches (almost any).


The event is sponsored by the Vets for Peace and donations will benefit the Southern Humboldt Poor People’s Campaign. The campaign got its start a few months back on Oct 1 protesting both the gentrification of the one time parking lot in the center of town and the fenced off “Vet’s Park,” now inappropriately named after environmentalist and political progressive Jim DeMulling.

The walkers at this campaign kick-off were mostly refugees from the Friday afternoon Peace Vigil. However, leading the walk that day were several large posters of Rev. King himself while the group sang a Bob Marley song. The Campaign was then born as a Civil Rights movement synced up suddenly across time with the last years of King as he developed the original Poor People’s Campaign.

King’s campaign was born of his comprehension of the Vietnam War as “a demonic destructive suction tube drawing men and skills and money away from the rehabilitation of the poor.” He sought to turn energy from “war to social uplift” with an inclusive coalition of poor people from environments as diverse as West Virginia, East L.A., Watts and Wounded Knee. Suddenly the unopposed triumph of the Banksters and the Corporados shows the need more than ever for a local Poor People’s Campaign to draw poor people together under a common banner. King’s “one in six” in poverty has increased to “one in five” and will soon be “one in four.”

At the beginning of winter, the Campaign had a second – “Vee Vant to Zee Yur Paperz” – protest on the day after the police “swept” Garberville and Redway. The police practiced crude profiling, stopping and questioning local poor people as suspected “transients.” Incredibly, some were asked to show papers to prove they were local.

From law enforcement’s vantage point, it was all jolly fun: a self-styled TEA Party. This “Transient Enforcement Action” included our recently elected Sheriff who strode Garberville’s main street flanked by several armed minions. “Transient Enforcement” meanwhile suggested a Building Code parallel where poor persons go out of compliance with – the what? – the Dollar Code? – if they are homeless. Individuals are then ticketed or arrested as appropriate

Unfortunately this kind of profiling is not appropriate for American people! One of the projects of the local Poor People’s Campaign is the formation of a Nomads Union to spread the word that poor people have civil rights. The Nomad’s Union hopes to go on to support people who assert these rights. As King was aware, if it was okay for Black people to have civil rights, it was okay for poor people in general to have them. Not an insurrection, but in King’s spirit, a resurrection. You don’t have to be poor to sign up, just one of the people..

So come celebrate the synchronicity of Peace and Justice in honor of Martin Luther King jr – manifesting his spirit in our local community this Saturday at 6 at the Vet’s Hall in Garberville.

Paul Encimer 707 923 4488

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NOVEMBER 3, 2010


This letter is a reminder that I am still entitled to the documents requested in my June 2008 Public Records Request and that the HCSD continues to have a legal obligation to preserve documents material to this request until inspection as requested has been completed and all disputes regarding the availability and production of documents have been finally resolved. Please reference the June 2008 Request to be sure that the HCSD preserves what is mandated by law pursuant to my Request.

As a reminder, the purpose of my request is threefold:
1) to permit public scrutiny of the HCSD customs, practices, and procedures material to contact with homeless and/or transient people, people sleeping and/or camping outside, and people sitting on public sidewalks;
2) to permit public scrutiny of the specific actions of HCSD in the Garberville/Redway area in relation to homeless and/or transient people, people sleeping and/or camping outside, and people sitting on public sidewalks, and;
3) to evaluate the need for additional training, guidance, oversight, and monitoring regarding HCSD interactions with homeless and/or transient people, people sleeping and/or camping outside, and people sitting on public sidewalks to prevent the violation of said peoples’ rights (rights established by law, by the California and United States Constitutions, and by international treatises).

Due to the HCSD’s initial and now long-time refusal to comply with the request, and due to the HCSD’s increased and escalated activities related to and against homeless and/or transient people, people sleeping and/or camping outside, and people sitting on public sidewalks, the records that the HCSD is now required to produce responsive to my June 2008 Request have increased exponentially.

To see the letter in its entirety, CLICK HERE

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Humboldt County Sheriff’s Department Refuses to Comply with California Public Records Request

In 2008, while Sheriff’s made nasty raids of houseless peoples’ camps in Southern Humboldt and attacked houseless and travelling people in the day (for “crimes” like sitting under shade trees during record heat) a Southern Humboldt resident made a CA Public Records Request.

Click on the title link above to read some of the background and see the documents.

Because the Sheriff’s Dept. has failed to comply with the request, it has dragged on to now. Now that Humboldt Sheriff’s Officers are doing STREET SWEEPS and CHECKPOINTS FOR LOCAL ID (with none, you’re run out of town or arrested), they are going to have to give up lots more info in response to the request about what they are doing to people. If they don’t give it up soon, it’s going to court.

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