
Posts Tagged ‘prison’


Please join Redwood Curtain CopWatch for a free double-feature film screening of “Safety Orange”, an insightful film which “looks deep into the culture of the American criminal [in]jusice system,”  and “Operation Small Axe,” a recent documentary centered around the police assasination of Oscar Grant in Oakland, and the people’s movement against police terrorism that has strengthened since then.

WHERE? at Peoples’ Action for Rights and Community [PARC] in Eureka

WHEN? Saturday, October 9th, 7pm

Snacks and good discussion also!

PARC is located in the Q Street Alley between 3rd and 2nd Street, toward the Samoa bridge.

Please call the CopWatch number for directions and any other information:  (707) 633-4493


        “By now we have all heard the staggering statistics on the American justice system: 25% of the world’s prisoners, over 2 million incarcerated, 6 million under some type of legal supervision, and hundreds of thousands locked up in facilities which are run by private companies. Beginning with the deaths following the Attica uprising thirty years ago, Safety Orange explores the radical changes in public policy that have wrought poor neighborhoods as war zones and public schools as decrepit gulags with random searches and few windows.

         The film revolves around how the architecture of the prison and that of the school have collapsed into one another as the architects themselves have moved from building hospitals and schools in the 70s and early 80s to building prisons in the last fifteen years, as public funds for the former dried up. This policy process is explained through graphic elements and interviews and is understood by the term “from welfare to warfare”. The film accompanies a Fresno anti gang police task force whose job is to register youths as gang members and ends on a bus from NYC to Attica with women going to visit loved ones incarcerated there. Safety Orange is a documentary which looks deep into the culture of the American criminal justice system.”

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